Thursday, November 29, 2018

sewell peak experience

Yesterday all of the year teens at Greymouth high school went on a big walk up Sewell Peak. Sewell Peak is about 3.5 kms to get to the top and then another 3.5 down. It took us all day from 9.15am to 3.05pm; we only just got back in time for the buses. We started by getting in the vans and driving out to Taylorvile and driving about 100m into the road up and found a good parking spot to park all of the vans (about 10). On that 100m of road my van driver tried to avoid a pot hole and almost ended up in the ditch. We then grouped up for a photo then started the treacherous walk up. Quite a few people started feeling sore and tired early on and a lot of people slowed down to help them get to the top which was great cooperation and motivation for those less able few. There were only a couple injuries including sprained ankles and previously injured hips playing up. Anyway there were quite a few breaks to let everyone group up again so we don't get a massively spread out line of students. there was a big break about half way up and we waiting around there for over 30 minutes! After then we didn't have any more stops and people started to run for some dumb reason, that's when I started to relax and not race to the top, enjoy the view and stuff. Slowly but steadily I eventually reached the top, took a few nice pictures, had some food to eat and then proceeded to head down to encourage others. At the top Tony, Greymouths Mayor was waiting with lots of water, sandwiches and ice creams, after we all had something to eat and take in the view then tony had a speech, so did Andy (ghs' principle) then we all got together for a few more pictures. Soon after we began to head down again. You would be surprised about how many people ran back down (crazy people) most of them regretted it when they got to the bottom and had to wait for another hour and a half. the trip down was painful, after having a nice hour long break our legs were aching so much and exercising them was the worst thing we could have done. the angle of our legs when walking down was almost 50 degrees so our ankles hurt afterwards too. About half way down I started to job for a bit and that was the amazing break that I needed. When we got to the bottom then we just sat down net to the vans and listened to music and ate the last of our foods. Afterwards we began to make connection between the walk and NCEA next year. It looked intimidating and you want to just give up but we all kept going and reached the top. Next year i am confident in my ability to achieve NCEA level 1 because i will be in MSA and that will give me level 2 credits for doing stuff like going on tramps and going camping. as well  as doing trades academy (hopefully i get in) and that's all on top of the normal choice classes. Next year i will be willing to concentrate and do my work even more than i do now. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Researching Firsts

The schooling system could be credited to multiple people but it’s impossible to define it down to one specific person. Those couple of people would be Horace Mann and Harry.P.School. I chose the topic “Who invented school?” because it relates to me and it is a simple and supposedly easy topic to do.when i started looking into it i realized that most of all of the information is about america and no where else. school is important because without it we would be education less and wouldn't have any common sense about anything.

First off Harry (Harry.P.School) and Horace (Horace Mann) were from different times and different countries Horace was from Massachusetts (1796 - 1859) and there was nothing on Harry except for when he started his work on school, 1369. Harry was credited more for the idea of school. Harry started by gathering all of the naughty neighborhood children and putting them in a room for a day. Parents started to like the idea and supported Harry by looking after the kids for him.

Horace was the secretary of education in Massachusetts when he put down his idea of a system run by professional teachers that would teach kids/ students an organised curriculum of basic content like math and English. That is how he became known as the schooling creator.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

English: research process

Who invented school? I chose this question because it seemed doable and it relates to me because i’m in school. There are lots of different ways to get a job but the most common would be through your NCEA level qualifications. You need this to prove that you know what your talking about and can do what your saying you can do. Schooling has evolved with everything else, improving the teaching ways and what they have been teaching. with going from the standard math, English and literature to things like careers and social studies.

In this next task we tested out which words we should use in google searching. I came to the conclusion of: Think hard about what you are typing and how it will effect your results.

With this last box i tried using a few different words with my searches and it didn't really do a whole lot but i did get a few different more relevant results.
Here are a few of the "top education authors" that came up when i searched 'schooling system origin'.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

introduction to me

Hey guys (and gals) and welcome to my new Blog about stuff. Things about me: I have a little brother whose name is Kaine and 15 animals containing bunnies, cats, fish and chickens and also a giant of a dog. My favourite foods contend of cookie dough, boysenberry ice cream and lasagne. I love gaming and also hanging out with friends and family. My favourite sports are basketball, hockey, swimming, running, sprints, high jump and gaming.